Syn.: Serapias longifolia L., Epipactis longifolia All.
Family: Orchidaceae Juss.

Epipactis palustris

Distribution: Europe (except the northernmost and southernmost areas), Northern Africa, Western and Central Asia.

Ecology: It grows in wet meadows, fens, springs, on seeping banks – non-forest biotope, from lowlands to mountains. Flowers from June to August.

Description: A perennial herb with an erect stem, 25–50 cm high. The leaves are oblong lanceolate up to 18 cm long. The inflorescence is lax, flowers 10 to 20, to 25 mm across, greenish sepals, creamy petals, lip white with reddish veins. The fruit is a capsule.

Endangering and Protection: The Marsh Helleborine is a strictly protected plant in some countries (CZ, SK), simultaneously is protected by Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Epipactis palustrisEpipactis palustris
Epipactis palustrisEpipactis palustris
Epipactis palustris

These images were taken in Czechia, Brno, Hády a Obůrky-Třeštěnec (from 21. 5. to 6. 7. 2003).