Syn.: Kanopikon atropurpureum (Brouss. ex Willd.) Raf., Tithymalus atropurpureus (Brouss. ex Willd.) Klotzsch et Garcke
Family: Euphorbiaceae Juss.

Euphorbia atropurpurea

Distribution: An endemic species of the Canary Islands, occurs only on Tenerife (from the Teno Mts. to Güimar).

Ecology: It grows locally very common in the lower zone of the western and southern part of island, on rocks and stone slopes, from 300 to 1200 m above sea level.

Euphorbia atropurpurea

Description: A shrub with succulent brown stems and branches, 50–150 cm high. The leaves are spathulate to oblong, glaucous, crowded towards the tips of stems, up to 15 cm long. The inflorescence is dark red-purple, 5–15-rayed, inflorescence bracts more than 1 cm across. Flowers from March to April. The capsules are dark-red to purple.

Threat and Protection: The species is protected by CITES.

Euphorbia atropurpurea
Euphorbia atropurpurea

These images were taken in Spain, the Canary Islands, Tenerife, the Teno Mts., Cruz de Gilda (March 28, 2006).