Syn.: Iris amoena F. Delaroche, Iris flavescens Delile
Family: Iridaceae Juss.

Iris variegata

Distribution: Pannonian region of central Europe, northward to southern Moravia and southern Slovakia. It also occurs separately in southwestern Germany, appears in southern Romania, Bulgaria and western Ukraine. It has been introduced to Bohemia, Switzerland and Italy.

Ecology: It grows in steppes and forest margins, on sunny slopes, from lowlands to highlands. It blooms from May to June.

Iris variegata

Description: Perennial herb with a stout rhizome. Stem 20–40(–55) cm tall, branched in upper half. Leaves 12–30 cm × 7–28 mm, more or less falcate, green. Flowers (2–)3–6, the falls 45–60 × 15–20 mm, oblong-lanceolate, without a distinct claw, yellowish-white with violet to brownish-red veins, the standards yellow. Fruit is a capsule.

Threat and protection: Hungarian Iris is an endangered and protected species in Czechia and Slovakia.

Iris variegataIris variegata
Iris variegataIris variegata
Iris variegata

These images were taken in Czechia, Moravia, Vrbice, Čertoryje and Kamenný vrch u Kurdějova (from 10. 4. until 13. 7. 2003).