Syn.: Nymphaea lutea L.
Family: Nymphaeaceae Salisb.

Nuphar lutea

Distribution: Europe and Central Asia, Northern Africa.

Ecology: Grows in lakes, ponds and slow flowing rivers at lower altitudes. It flowers from June to August.

Description: Aquatic herb with a stout perennial rhizome, 50–250 cm long. Long-petiolate leaves with ovate-oblong blades are smooth, 15–40 cm long, floating on water surface. Flowers 4–6 cm in diameter, yellow, fragrant. The fruit is capsule.

Note: Yellow Waterlily is cultivated in the garden with larger ponds. The rhizomes are used medicinally.

Nuphar luteaNuphar lutea
Nuphar luteaNuphar lutea
Nuphar lutea

These images were taken in Czechia, Brno (from 27. 5. to 29. 7. 2003).