Syn.: Vinca humilis Salisb., Vinca intermedia Tausch, Vinca ellipticifolia Stokes, Vinca acutiflora Bertol. ex Koch
Family: Apocynaceae Juss.
Distribution: European species – from Northwestern Spain to Ukraine and Russian Federation. The species is cultivated and naturalized in the British Isles, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, China (Jiangsu), United States and South America.
Ecology: It grows in semi-shady or shady habitats, in woods and woodland margins.
Description: A perennial herb (shrublet) with a thin rhizome and slender, trailing stems, up to 80 cm long. The flowering stems are erect, up to 30 cm long. The leaves are petiolate, lanceolate to elliptical, leathery. The flowers are solitary, corolla is blue, bluish-violet, mauve, pink or white. Flowers from March to June. The fruit is a follicle.
Use: The Common Periwinkle is cultivated in gardens, especially as ground cover plant. In the Middle Ages was used as magical and medical plant. It is a poisonous herb.
Note: The Common Periwinkle is a very variable species with a number of distinct cultivars.
These images were taken in Czechia, Moravia, Moravský kras (by Ladislav Kovář: April 21, 2004 – native) and Prague Botanic Garden (by Pavel Sekerka: April 2005 and 2007 – cultivars).