Syn.: Costapeda crispa (Scop.) Falck, Helvella barlae Boud. et Pat., Helvella pityophila Boud., Phallus crispus Scop.
Family: Helvellaceae Fr.
Distribution: Widely distributed in North America and Europe.
Ecology: Grows in damp, cool spots in boreal mixed forests; solitary or in twos or threes. Absent in hot dry summers.
Description: Fruiting body consists of head and stalk; spores are formed on the outer surface of the head. The size varies a lot from 4 to 18 cm tall. Head’s hymenium is whitish; with age ochraceous; underside a bit rough, same colour as hymenium, irregular with 2 or 3 lobes, sometimes saddle-shaped, up to 7 cm broad and high. Stalk whitish to ochraceous, beautifully fluted or ribbed, with holes between the ribs; up to 12 cm tall. Flesh is white; the interior of the stalk is chambered.
Confusion: Cannot be confused with any other fungus.
Usage: The edibility is questionable.
These images were taken in Canada, Alberta, Bragg Creek (September 2012).