Syn.: Verbascum wallrothii Bluff et Fingerh., Thapsus phoeniceus (L.) Rafin.
Family: Scrophulariaceae Juss.
![Verbascum phoeniceum](/foto/verbascumphoeniceum5.jpg)
Distribution: Central, Southern and Eastern Europe, Western Asia.
Ecology: It grows on sunny slopes and rocky places, from lowlands to foothills. Blooms from May to June.
Description: Biennial or perennial herb with erect stem, 30–100 cm tall, crispate-villous below, glandular-pubescent above. The leaves of basal rosette are petiolate, ovate, 4–17 cm long and 2.5–9 cm wide, entire, sinuate to crenate, pubescent or glabrous; cauline leaves few, small. The flowers in a terminal raceme, calyx 4–8 mm long; lobes lanceolate to obovate-elliptical, Corolla 20–30(–35) mm in diameter, violet, rarely white. The fruit is a capsule.
Threat and protection: The Purple Mullein is a protected species in Czechia.
These images were taken in Czechia, Moravia, Čejkovické Špidláky (from May 11 to October 14, 2003) and Czechia, Čejč (May 16, 2004).