Family: Rubiaceae Juss.

Plocama pendula

Distribution: Endemic species of the Canary Islands, grows on all islands of the archipelago except Lanzarote.

Ecology: It grows on dry rocks, rocky slopes and ravine beds, most often in the lower zone – locally common, on islands La Palma and El Hierro is rather rare. Flowers from March to July.

Description: A shrub with pendulous branches, 1–4 m high. The leaves are opposite, filiform, green, up to 5 cm long. The flowers are small, corolla 5–7-lobed, white. The fruit is a small berry.

Plocama pendulaPlocama pendula
Plocama pendula

These images were taken in Spain, the Canary Islands, Tenerife, Anaga and Malpaís de Güimar (March 31 and April 1, 2006).