Syn.: Huernia confusa E. Phillips
Family: Apocynaceae Juss.
Distribution: Republic of South Africa (Transvaal – Woodbush Range, Northern Province – Mpumalanga).
Ecology: In grass, under shelter, in well drained soil, at higher elevations, 1300–1850 m. Blooms after dry rest.
Description: Perennial succulent, stems basally branching, erect, forming small clumps, grey green, mostly 4-angled, quadrangular in cross section, teeth small, recurved, tips drying off. Inflorescence few-flowered, at base of young stems, pointing upward; flowers with 1 cm pedicels, sepals about 6 mm; corolla outside green, 2.5–3.5 cm across, tube and glabrous annulus reddish to brown, lobes triangular, shortly pointed, reddish to pale beige, irregularly transversely streaked with yellowish radial spots, yellowish margins, finely papillose; staminal corona dark maroon, lobes acute; interstaminal corona cream coloured, lobes shortly pointed, fused into a disc. Pollinia yellow to dark greenish. Fruit twin follicles, about 8 cm long, seeds ovate, flat, winged with apical tuft.
These images were taken in culture.