Syn.: Convallaria canadensis (Desf.) Poir., Smilacina canadensis (Desf.) Pursh, Styrandra canadensis (Desf.) Raf., Unifolium canadense (Desf.) Greene
Family: Asparagaceae Juss.
Distribution: North American species with a large region of distribution, from Newfoundland through south Labrador and Ontario, to eastern part of British Columbia, in northeast of US along Appalachian mountains to north Georgia and in the west to Dakotas. Separately it is found at boundaries of Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota.
Ecology: Moist deciduous and coniferous forests and their margins, from sea level to 1800 m of elevation. Blooms in the spring.
Description: Perennial herb from sympodially branching, slender rhizome, 10–25 cm tall. Stem erect; leaves on sterile shoots single, on fertile 2–3, petiolate or sessile, ovoid with cordate base, 4.5–7(–9) × 3–4.5(–5.5) cm. Inflorescence a crowded raceme, 12–25-flowered, flowers 1–3 from a node, pedicelate, small, tepals 1.5–2 mm long and 0,8–1 mm wide, white. Fruit is a pale red berry, 4–6 mm, edible.
Note: The genus contains some 30 species occurring in Europe, Asia, North and Central America.
These images were taken in Canada, Alberta, Calgary, Fish Creek Provincial Park, Shannon Terrace (July 2013).