Syn.: Chamaerhodos erecta var. stricta Ledeb., Chamaerhodos micrantha J. Krause, Chamaerhodos songarica Juz., Sibbaldia erecta L., Sibbaldia polygyna Willd. ex Schult.
Family: Rosaceae Juss.
Distribution: East Asian and North American species found from southern Siberia, Mongolia, Korea and northern China through Alaska to Canada with exception of extreme east and in US in Montana, Dakotas, Minnesota, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado.
Ecology: Dry, sandy or gravelly areas, both level and slopes, in elevations from 500 to 1500 m. Blooms in June and July.
Description: Biennial herb, first year a ground rosette of leaves, about 5 cm across, second year with flowering stem 10–30 cm tall, from a woody taproot. Leaves alternate, 1–3 cm long, 2–4 times divided into narrow segments, linear to narrowly lanceolate, covered in glandular hairs, basal leaves petiolate, surviving winter in constricted ball. Flowering stem green, often reddish, inflorescence a cyme with many bracts; flowers white, 3–5 mm across, pentamerous, funnel-shaped. Fruit is an achene, oval, brown.
These images were taken in Canada, Alberta, Calgary, Shaugnessy Heights (by Anne Elliott, June 2014) and Canada, Alberta, Calgary, Confluence Park (by Karel Bergmann, 2013 and 2014).