Syn.: Allionia aggregata var. hirsuta Farw., Allionia hirsuta Pursh, Calymenia hirsuta Nutt., Mirabilis nyctaginea var. hirsuta Heimerl, Oxybaphus hirsutus (Nutt.) Sweet ex Hook.
Family: Nyctaginaceae Juss.

Mirabilis hirsuta

Distribution: North American species found mainly in the centre of the continent, and sporadically in New England states.

Ecology: Sandy hillsides, grasslands, disturbed areas, exposed locations, usually in full sun, at elevations 0–1500 m. Blooms in June and July.

Description: Perennial herb, 20–80 cm tall, stems erect or ascending, covered with glandular hairs, green. Leaves opposite, oblong to lanceolate, 2–7 × 0.5–4 cm, covered with stiff hairs, sessile, margins smooth. Inflorescences are terminal and axial cymes, 2–4-flowered, peduncles purplish towards top; flowers are pentamerous, calyx tubular, tomentose; corolla purplish pink, 12 mm across, petals cordate with two rounded tips each, widely open; 3–5 stamens, 1 pistil, all exserted. Fruit is an achene, 4–5 mm long.

Mirabilis hirsuta
Mirabilis hirsutaMirabilis hirsuta
Mirabilis hirsuta
Mirabilis hirsuta

These images were taken in Canada, Alberta, Calgary (June 21, 2015).