Syn.: Aretia hausmannii Nyman
Family: Primulaceae Vent.
Distribution: Endemic to the Eastern Alps – from the Styrian Alps through the Julian Alps to the Dolomites.
Ecology: It grows in crevices of limestone rocks and screes, at altitudes from 1900 to 3100 m. Blooms from June to August.
Description: Perennial herb, 1–4 cm tall. Rosettes not forming a cushion, leaves only 5–10 mm long and 1–1.5 mm wide, linear-lanceolate, densely pubescent with stellate hairs. Flowers solitary, calyx 3–4 mm long, pubescent, corolla 4–5 mm in diameter, white to pink with a yellow centre. Fruit is a capsule.
These images were taken in Italy, Dolomites, Tre Cime (18. 6. 2005).