Syn.: Cornus mascula Zorn, Cornus vernalis Salisb., Macrocarpinus mas (L.) Nakai
Family: Cornaceae Bercht. et J. Presl

Distribution: Southern and Central Europe, Ukraine, Caucasus, southwestern Asia.
Ecology: Grows on bushy slopes and edges of woods, from lowlands to foothills. Blooms from March to April.
Description: Shrub or small tree, 2–6 m high. The leaves are shortly petiolate, opposite, ovate to elliptic. The flowers are yellow, it blooms before the leaves unfold. The fruit is an oblong-ovoid red drupe.
Use: Cultivated in the parks and gardens, the fruits are used medicinally.
Endangering and Protection: The Cornelian Cherry is a protected in Czechia.
These images were taken in Czechia, Pavlovské vrchy, Sirotčí hrádek (April 22, 2006) and Brno, Kamenný vrch (September 30, 2006).