Family: Boraginaceae Juss.

Echium wildpretii

Distribution: An endemic species of the Canary Islands, the nominate subspecies (on our images) grows only on Tenerife, E. w. subsp. trichosiphon on La Palma.

Ecology: It grows on dry rocks and scree, at elevations from 1600 to 2000 m asl, above all in the caldera under Pico del Teide. It blooms from March to August.

Description: A monocarpic herb, 150–300 cm tall. Stem erect, unbranched. Basal leaves in rosette, linear-lanceolate, up to 50 cm long. From the centre of the rosette grows up stately inflorescence with thousands of bright red flowers. Nutlets ovoid-trigonous.

Note: The Tower of Jewels is planted in the parks and gardens of the Canary Islands and South Europe – very spectacular and amazing plat, ones of the most beautiful plants of the Canary Islands.

Echium wildpretiiEchium wildpretii
Echium wildpretii
Echium wildpretiiEchium wildpretii
Echium wildpretii

These images were taken in Spain, the Canary Islands, Tenerife, Parque Nacional del Teide – Las Canadas and Vilaflor (March 30, 2006).