Syn.: Eritrichium tergloviense Endl. ex Putt., Myosotis nana Vill., Myosotis terglovensis Hacq., Omphalodes nana (L.) A. Gray
Family: Boraginaceae Juss.

Distribution: The nominate subspecies is endemic to the Alps – from the Maritime Alps through the Tauern Mountains and Dolomites to Karawanken. In the Southern Carpathians we can find subspecies Eritrichium nanum subsp. jankae, in the western part of North America (Rocky Mountains and Alaska) also other subspecies.
Ecology: It grows in rocky crevices and outcroppings, mainly on acid, but also on limestone soils, in elevations from 2500 to 3000 m. It blooms from June to August.
Description: Perennial herb with a woody stock. Stem simple, only 1–4(–7) cm tall. Leaves 4–10 × 1.5–4.5 mm, linear-oblong to spathulate.
Inflorescence is terminal, with 3–7(–10) flowers, calyx 2–3 mm, corolla rotate, with 5 scales in the throat, 5–7 mm, pinkish-purple at first, becoming bright blue or rarely whitish. The fruit is a nutlet, 1–2 mm long.
Threat and protection: The Arctic Alpine Forget-me-not is a protected species in Switzerland.
Note: It is a remarkable example of a glacial relict, which came to Europe from Asia in the last ice age. This genus contains about 50 species, which are found mostly in Asia, a few in Europe and North America.
These images were taken in Italy, the Dolomites, Passo di Fedaia, La Mesola (June 20, 2005).