Syn.: Stapelia thuretii (Cels) Croucher, Huernia inornata Oberm., Huernia striata Oberm.
Family: Apocynaceae Juss.
Distribution: Namibia, Republic of South Africa (Eastern Cape).
Ecology: Grows in grass, under shrubs, sheltered, in fast draining soil, at elevations from 30 to 1500 m. Blooms after dry period.
Description: Perennial succulent, stems erect, crowded, in large clumps, about 5–8 cm long, 1–1.5 cm thick, prominently 4-angled but sometimes 5–6 angled, compressed triangular teeth 2–4 mm long, glabrous, green; flowers facing upwards and outwards, opening in rapid succession, 3–5 together, with 2.5 cm pedicels, from centre or near base of stems; corolla about 27 mm across, outside pale green to reddish, inside pale yellow with thin, dark, transverse stripes close to the tube, interrupted into thin short lines towards outside, minutely papillose near edges of lobes, lobes triangular, acute, somewhat recurved; staminal corona dark crimson; interstaminal corona lobes dark, bifid. Pollinia brownish yellow. Fruit twin follicles, about 8 cm long, seeds ovate, flat, winged with apical tuft.
These images were taken in culture.