Syn.: Martagon sylvaticum Opiz
Family: Liliaceae Juss.
Distribution: Eurasian species, all of Europe and temperate Asia.
Ecology: It grows in deciduous woods, thickets, meadows and pastures, more on limestone soils, from foothills to mountains. It flowers from June to July.
Description: A perennial herb with bulb and erect stem, 40–150 cm high. The leaves are obovate-lanceolate, in whorls. Flowers in raceme, petals purple, brown-spotted, rarely white. The fruit is a capsule.
Threat and protection: The Martagon is an endangered species in some countries (A, CH, CZ, D, I, SK).
Note: This Lily is often grown in gardens.
These images were taken in Czechia, Moravia, Hranický kras, Porážky, Velká kotlina and Čebínka (from 20. 4. to 12. 7. 2003).