Syn.: Martagon sylvaticum Opiz
Family: Liliaceae Juss.

Lilium martagon

Distribution: Eurasian species, all of Europe and temperate Asia.

Ecology: It grows in deciduous woods, thickets, meadows and pastures, more on limestone soils, from foothills to mountains. It flowers from June to July.

Description: A perennial herb with bulb and erect stem, 40–150 cm high. The leaves are obovate-lanceolate, in whorls. Flowers in raceme, petals purple, brown-spotted, rarely white. The fruit is a capsule.

Threat and protection: The Martagon is an endangered species in some countries (A, CH, CZ, D, I, SK).

Note: This Lily is often grown in gardens.

Lilium martagonLilium martagon
Lilium martagonLilium martagon

These images were taken in Czechia, Moravia, Hranický kras, Porážky, Velká kotlina and Čebínka (from 20. 4. to 12. 7. 2003).