Syn.: Bignonia tulipifera Schum., Spathodea tulipifera (Schum.) G. Don
Family: Bignoniaceae Juss.

Spathodea campanulata

Distribution: Native to western Africa, recently grows in the tropics and the subtropics around the world.

Ecology: The Spathodea trees grows in natural forests as well as abandoned agricultural lands. As an ornamental tree it has been introduced into the tropics and subtropics around the world and it is an invasive species in many areas.

Description: An evergreen tree that grows to a height of 15 m. Its opposite, petiolate, odd pinnate leaves are up to 50 cm long. Each leaf consists of 5 to 7 pairs of sessile or shortly petiolate, ovate, 10 cm long leaflets. The flowers grows in corymbs of 40–50 flowers. The buds are brownish, curved upwards, up to 5 cm long, contain a liquid that squirt when pressed. The flowers are campanulate, bright red-orange with yellow crispate margins, 10–12 cm long, about 7 cm in diameter at the mouth of the corolla. The fruit is a capsule. According to the conditions it flowers up all the year.

Use: The timber is used for making paper, in native areas sometimes for making drums. The bark, flowers and leaves are used in traditional medicine.

Spathodea campanulataSpathodea campanulata
Spathodea campanulata

These images were taken in Madeira, Funchal (May 7, 2006).