Family: Menyanthaceae (Dum.) Dum.

Menyanthes trifoliata

Menyanthes trifoliata

Distribution: Eurasian and Northern American species – Europe, Asia, North America.

Ecology: It grows in marshes, bogs, fens, from lowlands to mountains.

Description: A perennial herb with a thick rhizome, 15–30 cm high, the stem is erect, leafless. The basal leaves with long petioles are trifoliate, obovate. The flowers in dense raceme, corollas broadly funnel-shaped, white or pinkish. Flowers from May to June.

Use: An remedy for stomach disorders. The leaf used to be soaked in alcohol.

Endangering and Protection: The Bogbean is a protected plant in some countries (CZ, SK).

Menyanthes trifoliata
Menyanthes trifoliata

These images were taken in the Czech Republic and Italy (May 19, 2003; June 12, 2005; spring 2006).