Family: Lentibulariaceae L. C. Richard
Distribution: Europe, Northern America.
Ecology: Grows in bogs, on moors, heaths and damp rocks, from lowlands to mountains. It flowers from May to June.
Description: Perennial carnivorous herb with a basal rosette, 5–25 cm tall. Overwintering as a bud. Leaves 5–11, 20–45(–90) × 14–20(–26) mm, entire, ovate, fleshy, sticky. The flowers are two-lipped, corolla 15–22(–30) mm, bluish-white. The fruit is an ovoid capsule.
Note: The leaves curl up round an insect should one become entrapped.
Threat and protection: The Common Butterwort is a strictly protected plant in some countries (CH, CZ, D, I).
These images were taken in Czechia, Silesia, Hrubý Jeseník, Velká kotlina (April and July 2003).