Syn.: Adonis miniatus Jacq., Adonis maculata Wallr., Adonis phoeniceus Fritsch.
Family: Ranunculaceae Juss.

Adonis aestivalis

Distribution: Southern and Central Europe, Southern Russia, Turkey, Iran, Western Himalayas, Northern Africa.

Ecology: It grows as field weed, from lowlands to foothills. It flowers from May to July.

Description: An annual herb with an erect and little branched stem, 20–45 cm high. The leaves are finely divided into linear segments. The flowers are singular, petals red, at base with dark spot. The fruit is an achene.

Threat and protection: The Summer Pheasant’s Eye is an endangered species in some countries (CZ, SK).

Adonis aestivalisAdonis aestivalis
Adonis aestivalis

These images were taken in Czechia, Southern Moravia, Pavlovské vrchy (May 16, 2004).