Syn.: Draba verna L., Erophila vulgaris DC., Erophila draba C. Schimper et Spenner
Family: Brassicaceae Burnett
Distribution: Europe (except the Arctic areas), Northern Africa, Western and Central Asia, Western Siberia, introduced and naturalized in Northern America, Tasmania and New Zealand.
Ecology: Grows in grassland, fields and meadows, on rocks, banks and walls, from lowlands to mountains.
Description: Annual herb with a basal rosette of leaves, only 2–10 cm high. The leaves are elliptic to lanceolate, entire or toothed, inflorescence with 1–3 flowers, white flowers at the ends of leafless stems, petals distinctly cleft, flowers from March to May. A very variable species with many subspecies and varieties.
Note: It is used as a treatment for whitlows.
These images were taken in Czechia, Moravia, Brno (March 15, 2004).