Syn.: Boletus cavipes Opat., Boletinus cavipes (Opat.) Kalchbr., Boletinus cavipes f. aureus (Rolland) Singer, Boletinus cavipes var. aureus Rolland, Boletopsis cavipes (Opat.) Henn., Paxillus porosus Berk.
Family: Suillaceae Besl et Bresinsky
Distribution: Circumpolar.
Ecology: Scattered to gregarious in mixed forests, associated primarily with larch and found usually in the company of Suillus grevillei. Fruits in late summer to fall.
Description: Cap convex or broadly umbonate, becoming plane, surface dry, densely hairy-fibrillose, often with felt-like texture, in brownish colours, with paler margin, to 12 cm. Pores arranged more or less radially, large angular, elongated, yellow to dark yellow, not blueing, tubes the same colour. Stalk 4–9 cm long, to 2 cm thick, equal or swollen bellow, dry, yellow above the ring, colour of cap or paler below ring, lower portion hollow (hence the name both scientific and common). Ring fibrillose, fragile, thin, white, sometimes leaving a remnant on cap margin. Spore print dark olive brown, yellow juice stains on white paper.
Edibility: Very good, not slimy, freezes well.
These images were taken in Czechia, Bohemia, Horoměřice (by Věra Svobodová, 19. 10. 2008) and Canada, British Columbia, Burton (by Karel Bergmann, September 2013).