Polynesian area covers the area of Polynesia, mainly the islands of Micronesia, Hawaii, Fiji and other. Flora is formed by a large number of endemic species. Despite of the considerable isolation of the geologically younger islands exists here the attachment to the Indonesian-Papuan area.

- ARGYROXIPHIUM SANDWICENSE subsp. MACROCEPHALUM (A. Gray) Meyrat – Silversword, Silver Sword, Ahinahina, Pohinahina
- IPOMOEA IMPERATI (Vahl) Griseb. – Beach Morning Glory
- IPOMOEA PES-CAPRAE (L.) R. Br. – Railroad Vine, Bayhops
- IPOMOEA QUAMOCLIT L. – Cypress Vine, Cardinal Creeper, Cardinal Vine, Star Glory, Hummingbird Vine, Cypressvine Morning Glory
- POLYPODIUM VULGARE L. – Common Polypody
- RUMOHRA ADIANTIFORMIS (G. Forst.) Ching – Leather Fern, Leatherleaf Fern
- SESUVIUM PORTULACASTRUM (L.) L. – Seaside Purslane, Shoreline Purslane, Sea Purslane