Syn.: Dianthus alpinus subsp. repens (Willd.) Kozhevn., Dianthus chinensis subsp. repens (Willd.) Vorosch.
Family: Caryophyllaceae Juss.
Distribution: Eastern Europe, northern Asia and northwestern North America – from the northern part of European Russia through Siberia and Far East to Alaska and Yukon.
Ecology: It grows in meadows, grass-lichen tundra, mountain slopes, rock outcrops, talus slopes, river banks, up to 1400 m asl. Blooms from July to August.
Description: Perennial herb, 5–22(–30) cm tall, glabrous. Stems numerous, densely caespitose. Leaves linear-lanceolate, 3–5 cm long and 2–3 mm wide, midvein prominent, base attenuate, apex acuminate. Flowers 1, terminal, 2–2.5 cm in diam.; bracts 2 or 4, ovate, slightly shorter than or subequaling calyx; calyx cylindric, 9–14 mm long, sometimes purplish, teeth lanceolate; petal-limb 10–12 mm, bearded, pink or purplish. The fruit are capsules, 12–17 mm long.
These images were taken in Russia, Kamchatka Peninsula, between Tolbachik and Klyuchevskaya (July 31, 2009).