Syn.: Lepidotis annotina (L.) P. Beauv., Lycopodium juniperifolium Lam., Spinulum annotinum (L.) A. Haines
Family: Lycopodiaceae P. B.

Lycopodium annotinum

Distribution: Circumpolar species represented in cooler areas of the northern hemisphere – Europe, northern and eastern Asia (southward to central China and northeast India), North America (from Alaska to Colorado and New England).

Ecology: Wet to dry forests, in association with mosses, at elevations up to 3700 m.

Lycopodium annotinum

Description: Perennial, evergreen plant, trailing stems up to 2 m long with fibrous roots, many branched; erect branches 5–30 cm tall, single or once or twice forked. Leaves in ranks of 6 to 8, sometimes spirally arranged, 3–10 mm long, linear-lanceolate, sharply acuminate, spreading, stiff. Strobili are terminal, at the end of the erect branches, sessile, 12–35 mm long; sporangia (spores) are carried in the axils of ovular sporophylls with fringed margins.

Threat and protection: Endangered or protected species in many countries (for example Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee).

Lycopodium annotinum
Lycopodium annotinum

These images were taken in Canada, Alberta, Bragg Creek (July 9, 2011).