Family: Lentibulariaceae L. C. Richard

Pinguicula vulgaris

Distribution: Europe, Northern America.

Ecology: Grows in bogs, on moors, heaths and damp rocks, from lowlands to mountains. It flowers from May to June.

Pinguicula vulgaris

Description: Perennial carnivorous herb with a basal rosette, 5–25 cm tall. Overwintering as a bud. Leaves 5–11, 20–45(–90) × 14–20(–26) mm, entire, ovate, fleshy, sticky. The flowers are two-lipped, corolla 15–22(–30) mm, bluish-white. The fruit is an ovoid capsule.

Note: The leaves curl up round an insect should one become entrapped.

Threat and protection: The Common Butterwort is a strictly protected plant in some countries (CH, CZ, D, I).

Pinguicula vulgarisPinguicula vulgaris
Pinguicula vulgaris
Pinguicula vulgaris

These images were taken in Czechia, Silesia, Hrubý Jeseník, Velká kotlina (April and July 2003).