Syn.: Pulsatilla vulgaris subsp. grandis (Wenderoth) Zamels, Anemone grandis (Wenderoth) Kern.
Family: Ranunculaceae Juss.
Distribution: Southern parts of Central and Southeastern Europe.
Ecology: It grows in steppe grasslands, sunny meadows, on grassy slopes, on limestone soils. It flowers from March to May, sometimes on September once again.
Description: A perennial herb with an erect stem, 5–30 cm tall. The basal leaves are long-petiolate, 2–4 times pinnate, leaflets deeply divided. The flowers are funnel-shaped, erect, perianth-segments broadly elliptical, violet, silky hairy. The fruit is an achene. This species is very variable, especially in the coloration of the flowers. Very interesting form is white flowering Pulsatilla grandis f. albiflora Formánek.
Threat and protection: Pulsatilla grandis is protected by law in Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.
Use: The plant was used medicinally against pestilence.
Note: The Pasque Flower have been cultivated in gardens. Pulsatillas resent root disturbance and should be planted into their definitive positions.
These images were taken in Czechia, Southern Moravia, Brno – Kamenný vrch, Skalky and Hády; Malhostovická pecka; Pouzdřanská step (dates: from 2. 3. to 11. 5. 2003 and from 29. 3. to 23. 4. 2004).