Syn.: Cucubalus acaulis L., Lychnis acaulis (L.) Scop., Oncerum acaule (L.) Dulac
Family: Caryophyllaceae Juss.
Distribution: It is an arctic-alpine species – Pyrenees, Alps, Apennines, Carpathian, Arctic Europe, Asia and Northern America.
Ecology: It grows on rocks, screes and stony slopes, above tree line. It flowers from June to Septembre.
Description: Perennial herb with numerous stems, 2–10 cm high, cushion-like. The leaves are linear to lanceolate, sessile, pointed. The single flowers are short-stalked, calyx is bell-shaped, corolla bright to dark rose. The fruit is an ovoid capsule. A very variable species.
Threat and protection: The Moss Campion is a protected plant in some countries (A, SK).
Note: This is a very attractive plant for rock gardens.
These images were taken in Austria, Raxalpe (June 19, 2004).