Family: Euphorbiaceae Juss.
Distribution: Horn of Africa, south Somalia, southeast Ethiopia and Kenya.
Ecology: Friable and sandy soils over limestone, rocky limestone slopes, in Commiphora, Acacia communities, 140–1200 m elevation.
Description: Perennial succulent shrub, quite variable, to 130 cm tall, sparsely branched, from turnip-shaped caudex; stems light green to grey green, 10–15 mm thick, 4–5 angled, angles with shallow teeth about 3 cm apart, spines in pairs, short or longer sometimes forked. Flowers typical cyathia, monoecious, borne on short peduncles, usually with dark red bracts, sometimes much paler. Fruit is a three-seeded explosive dehiscent capsule.
Note: Easily grown plant, however, for production of seeds, you need plants of both sexes. Fortunately it can be propagated by cuttings.
These images were taken in culture.