Syn.: Anemone baldensis G. Don, Anemone commersoniana Richardson ex Spreng., Anemone hudsoniana (DC.) Richardson, Anemone lanigera Gay, Anemone magellanica H. R. Wehrh., Anemone narcissiflora Hook. et Arn., Anemone sanguinea Pursh ex Pritz.
Family: Ranunculaceae Juss.

Anemone multifida

Distribution: North and South America, species with bipolar distribution, spreading into arctic, subarctic and alpine areas of both continents. In the north from Alaska and Yukon, through British Columbia and Alberta to Hudson Bay and southward along Rocky Mountains down to Utah and Colorado, with isolated pockets on the eastern side of the continent. In South America it is found in south of Argentina and Chile, right down to Tierra del Fuego. In the area it appears in 4 varieties.

Ecology: In North America it grows in prairies, on shrubby and grassy slopes, in woodlands and rocky areas, from sea level to elevation of 3200 m. It flowers from April to July. In Rocky Mountains can be found the variety A. m. var. saxicola up to elevation of 4200 m. In South America it grows on rocky slopes, edges of woods, high llanos, also from sealevel up to el. of 2000 m.

Anemone multifida

Description: Perennial herb with a straight stem 10–50 cm tall, which is hairy. Basal leaves are 3–6 with petioles 4–10 cm long, blades are round to obovoid, divided in three segments. Flowers are solitary, 1–7 stalks per stem, long stalked; whorl of 3 bracts at base. Flowers are white, yellow, bluish, pink to red or mottled, 12–20 mm across, sepals 5, petal-like; stamens and pistils numerous. Fruit is achene, 3–4 mm long, silky-haired; fruiting head globe-shaped, about 1 cm across, dispersing in the fall.

Usage: Native people used this anemone in their medicine for arthritis, colds and the means for destroying lice and fleas. The Blackfoot tossed the cottony seed heads into a fire and inhaled the smoke, which was reported to relieve headaches.

Anemone multifida
Anemone multifida
Anemone multifida
Anemone multifida
Anemone multifida
Anemone multifida
Anemone multifida
Anemone multifida

These images were taken in Canada, Alberta, Calgary, Bowmont Park and Confluence Park (2013).