Syn.: Primula nivalis var. macrophylla (D. Don) Pax, Primula purpurea Royle, Primula stuartii var. purpurea (Royle) Watt
Family: Primulaceae Vent.
Distribution: This is a Himalayan species, distributed from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India to Nepal, Bhutan, and southwestern Tibet. Very variable, with different infraspecific taxa.
Ecology: It grows in grassy mountain slopes, rock crevices, wet meadows and marshes, at elevations from 4000 to 5200 m. Blooms from June to August.
Description: Perennial herb, rather robust, with a short rootstock. Leaves forming a rosette, petiole broadly winged, leaf blade lanceolate to oblanceolate, 4–25 × 0.5–4.5 cm, abaxially farinose, base cuneate, margin entire to denticulate, usually revolute, apex acute to obtuse. Scape 10–25 cm tall, umbels 5- to many flowered; bracts lanceolate, 1–3.5 cm; calyx tubular, 0.8–1.5 cm, lobes lanceolate to oblong; corolla purple, pink-purple, violet or lilac, corolla tube 9–12 mm long, limb 2 cm wide, lobes suborbicular to obovate. Capsule cylindric, 1–1.3 cm long.
These images were taken in India, Ladakh, from Murabak to Lasermo La (by Jindřich Houska, July 28, 2013).