Syn.: Saxifraga aizoon Jacq.
Family: Saxifragaceae Juss.
Distribution: Southern and Central Europe, Scandinavia, Caucasus, east of Northern America.
Ecology: Grows on rocks, screes and stony slopes. Flowers from June to July.
Description: Perennial herb, 15–30 cm high. The basal leaves are in a rosette, oblanceolate, leathery, the margins with small glands which secrete calcium carbonate. The flowers are white, often red dotted. The fruit is a capsule.
Treat and protection: The Livelong Saxifrage is a strictly protected plant in some countries (CZ).
Note: Often cultivated in the gardens.
These images were taken in Czechia, Hrubý Jeseník, Velká kotlina and Moravský Krumlov, sv. Florián (from 20. 5. to 22. 9. 2003).