Hindustanian-Indochinean area covers large part of the Indian Peninsula, countries as Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Taiwan. Northern frontier is formed by the southern range of Himalayas. We can find here 35 000 species with great measure of endemism. Attachment to the other floristic regions exists from development view mainly to the Paleotropis and Neotropis. But this sub-region is influenced also by Holarctis and by Indonesian-Papuan sub-region.

- ALISMA PLANTAGO-AQUATICA L. – Common Water-plantain
- HOYA LACUNOSA Blume – Wax Plant, Porcelain Flower
- HOYA MULTIFLORA Blume – Shooting Star Hoya, Shooting Stars
- IPOMOEA IMPERATI (Vahl) Griseb. – Beach Morning Glory
- IPOMOEA QUAMOCLIT L. – Cypress Vine, Cardinal Creeper, Cardinal Vine, Star Glory, Hummingbird Vine, Cypressvine Morning Glory
- MERREMIA UMBELLATA (L.) Hallier f. – Hogvine
- SESUVIUM PORTULACASTRUM (L.) L. – Seaside Purslane, Shoreline Purslane, Sea Purslane
- TRAPA NATANS L. – Water Chestnut
- TRIADICA SEBIFERA (L.) Small – Chinese Tallow Tree, Florida Aspen, Chicken Tree, Gray Popcorn Tree, Candleberry Tree