Wine yeasts
The wine yeasts (Saccharomyces vini) negatively stained. Photomicrograph, prim. mag. 2000×.

The Penicillium mold. (Penicillium).

Rhizopus nigricansRhizopus nigricans
The black bread mold (Rhizopus nigricans) forms black sporangia and branched rhizoids.

Mucor moldMucor mold
The Mucor mold with a yellowish sporangium.

Septate hyphae and ovoid conidiospores of a mold
Septate hyphae and ovoid conidiospores of a mold. Photomicrograph, prim. mag. 400×.

Dacrymyces fungus in the light and electron microscopes at low and high magnifications (scale = 0.5 µm.) S – polysacharidic cell wall, N – nucleus.

The spores of Bovista. Photomicrograph, prim. magn. 400 ×.

A mycelium growing on a lower side of a fallen leaf
A mycelium growing on a lower side of a fallen leaf.

Cantharellus – the lower surface of the cap with wide gills.

The lower surface of the cap of the Suillus with numerous tubes
The lower surface of the cap of the Suillus with numerous tubes.

Brown basidiospores accumulated in tubes of the lower surface of a cap of  a club fungus
Brown basidiospores accumulated in tubes of the lower surface of a cap of a club fungus.

A skittle-like shape of aecia of the rust fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae with attached brownish spores
A skittle-like shape of aecia of the rust fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae with attached brownish spores.

A podery mildew – Microsphaera
A podery mildew – Microsphaera v.s. Photomicrograph at a low power magnification.

A cap of a mushroom changed by a hot weather
A cap of a mushroom changed by a hot weather.