A plasmodium of a slime mold in the electron microscope
A plasmodium of a slime mold in the electron microscope. N – three nuclei of a great amount of them in one giant cell. The plasma membrane is labelled by arrowheads. Scale = 1 µm.

A branched plasmodium of a slime mold
A branched plasmodium of a slime mold.

The slime mold Fuligo and its transformation in time
The slime mold Fuligo and its transformation in time
The slime mold Fuligo and its transformation in time.

The slime mold Leocarpus fragilis
The slime mold Leocarpus fragilis
The slime mold Leocarpus fragilis
The slime mold Leocarpus fragilis
The slime mold Leocarpus fragilis as it transformed during hours since its collection till the formation of sporangia from a membranous hypothallus. The sporangium (down) contains brown-violet spores (elarged in inset) and whitish elaters. Photomicrograph, prim. mag. 400 .

The slime mold Stemonitis fuscaThe slime mold Stemonitis fusca
The slime mold Stemonitis fuscaThe slime mold Stemonitis fusca
The slime mold Stemonitis fusca – a transformation during first hours after its collection.