Nature reserve Zlatník, is situated in the district of the city of Most, near by villages Obrnice, Patokryje and České Zlatníky (Czechia). This area is proposed to become a national nature reserve.
Zlatník (521,2 meters above sea level) is phonolite hill with two tops that are separated by shallow valley. West side of the hill is almost vertical with column disintegration and tower-shapes that were caused by dislocation of rocks. By the foothill are debris springs. It is assumed that on the rock massif was developed rocky steppe and on the more gentle slopes it was turf steppe and forest steppe.
Flora of local rocky steppe is wonderful in the spring, when seems hole yellow thanks to a plentiful Aurinia saxatilis and rarely also Alyssum montanum. Wood level is formed today mainly by Quercus pubescent and Betula pendula, you can find here also thermophilic shrubs – for example: Cotoneaster integerrimus, Sorbus aria, Prunus fruticosa and Cornus mas. On the parched hillsides habits lichen Umbilicaria hirsuta. Vegetation-poor are shady northern hillsides, where habits for example Calluna vulgaris, Acetosella vulgaris, Avenella flexuosa. On the other hillsides with gentle slope grows thermophilic plants. For example Potentilla arenaria, Astragalus exscapus, Astragalus austriacus, Allium senescens, Teucrium chamaedrys, Geranium sanguineum, Anthericum liliago, Salvia pratensis, Fragaria vesca, Scleranthus perennis, Euphorbia cyparissias, Pseudolysimachion spicatum, Stellaria holostea, Dianthus carthusianorum, Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica prostrata, Viola arvensis, Acer campestre, Viburnum lantana.
In a meadow under the hill Zlatník I found except a large number of Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia and Glechoma hederacea also a couple of Nonea pulla – some of these had very interesting yellow-flowering form.
While detailed survey on the hill Zlatník in 1968 was found in sum 432 plant species, 59 manikins and rare beetles and butterflies.
Nature reservation Zlatník has a problem with spreading of weedy shrubs (for example Prunus spinosa or Rosa canina) – the same one like the other locations have.