Příspěvek první účastnice letošního ročníku soutěže O nejlepší botanickou ilustraci k nám přicestoval až z druhého konce světa. O to více nás to těší. Tato americká autorka nám o sobě velmi mile napsala:
Hello Ladislav, I am particularly interested in this show because my grandparents came to America from Czechoslovakia when it was a part of Bohemia. I have been interested in things about Bohemia and Czechoslovakia since childhood. When I was a Botanical Librarian at Descanso Gardens I found that California Fuchsias were named by J. B. Zauschner, from Prague (Zauschneria). I almost sent a California Fuchsia drawing. I have been an artist and writer most of my life, but my employment has been mostly in teaching and as a librarian. I am currently a Reader (researcher) at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California. I have written and illustrated children’s books, two of which were plant identification coloring books. I have also taught and written about local history and Art history.

Naši novou kalifornskou kolegyni jsem si na internetu hned našel (Yana’s Place), musím říci, že ten kakadu na jejím rameni je naprosto kouzelný! Podíval jsem se i na její knížky pro děti. Skvěle!
Dear Yana, we send many greetings to California from Bohemia, and thank you for your very interesting illustrations. It is great that you have Czech ancestors, we are all really one family! Your children’s books – but also your cockatoo – are wonderful!
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